Whenever real estate rates get low, lots of motivated buyers show up looking for investments. With the nation wide housing inventory shortage, you might have been wondering how you’ll make it thru all this coronavirus stuff, how it might affect you. I came across Kevin Ward, (Yesmasters) he says he helps agents create the success and lifestyle they want. I thought he had some interesting thoughts about the coronavirus, and, since my real estate photography work depends on what work real estate agents get, I thought I’d pass it on to the agents who might follow my thoughts. In short, his theory is if you’ve got some listings to show, the better off you’ll be.
What are you gonna do? Distressed sellers are your motivated sellers, they’ll need some help getting their homes sold, they will need the money! If you’ve got the listings, maybe you’ve got the deals.
Investors are always up for a cheap property, that is as long as there’s cash coming back after the deal. They want to buy cheap, it’s easier because the renting works out better and much more stable. Its will be best if you have relationships with some investors, that’s the rub, if you do, you can go to your investor and tell them what you’ve got for them, now is the time to buy.
One day soon we’ll be done with this coronavirus, it’ll be your chance to take care of business. You must be cofident, work much harder, and do not be afraid. Keep your eyes open, you’ll never know when a fresh opportunity shows up, this just might be your time to shine a little brighter.
This is just a synopsis, you can watch the Kevin Ward video here