My real estate photography business, Mike ONeill Photography, is designed around helping my clients; by providing a consistent level of professional real estate photography and services, it's my continuous responsibility. I want return business, I know that won't happen if I do not deliver the professional services, my clients expect.
My job is to meet my client's demands and be good at anticipating their now and future needs. Working with real estate agents is a must-do part of my job, my clients know I value and I understand the way they market, not just to sell a listing but to help them pick up more listings in the future. It’s not hard to understand that the better the professional photography and services I provide, the better my real estate agents’ marketing results will be, and the more listings the agent sells, and the more that agent will come to depend on me to photograph their future listings that I helped them to get.
Robert Nowell is a Canadian photographer who understands the photography industry and how its changed over the years but also knows how the old business of business to business really hasn’t changed that much from the old fashion providing good customer services. I think he explains pretty well how I feel I want to run my Knoxville business.
Photography Business Basics